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Author, Business Coach, Motivational & Public Speaker, Presentation & Passion Preneur

Prasanjit Gupta

"I am on a Mission of Helping 10 Million Entrepreneurs and Solopreneurs to make them the brand by encouraging them to unleash their vision, mission and bring balance in their life. I help People to Unleash their True Potential and multiply their business."

“You Must change the Roots to Change the Fruits!”

We all have Hanuman inside. Now it's time to wake your hanuman and Become Unstoppable. 

– PG


How PG can Help you...

  • PG help people to unleash their passion and monetise that easily. He encourages to follow the passion to live a better life.

  • PG helps Entrepreneurs, Solopreneurs, Celebrities to Become a Brand with Positive & Abundance Mindset, Lazer Goal Setting, and Business Automation!

  • He is a creator of the 7 level Meditation which heals the past bad experiences, negativity, limiting beliefs, blockages and install positivity in all the 7 areas of life. Regular practise of this meditation has changed thousands of life. This is the Shortcut of Inner happiness, Success and peace of mind. 

  • PG works on Success & Abundance Mind set that helps people to understand and activate the power of their mind.

  • He is a DMIT Certified Counsellor and help people to discover their birth talent, learning capabilities, qualities and carrer possibilites through DMIT Test. 

  • Know More About PG


    Progress is the key to happiness – and PG and his entire team are committed to helping you make progress in every area of your life so that you can go out and live the life you’ve always dreamed of.




    There’s no need to curse your current status and live . With our program you’ll be able to follow our proven blueprint to go from no-where to somewhere. 

    Each module was crafted in a way that’s easy to understand regardless of your experience, and to get you results as fast as possible. You’ll learn how to get results for yourself, and how to get results for your clients. Fast.  

    This season, let’s concentrate on gratitude and improvement so we can live healthier, wealthier, more fulfilling, passionate and purposeful lives – and so we can help others do the same. Whether that means achieving in business, reigniting your relationship or discovering who you really are, ‘PG’ virtual live events, one-on-one coaching and training systems will help close the gap between where you are and where you want to be.





    Learn everything you need to know to become a confident, successful, and amazing human being. We’ll guide you through the principles of Sucessful and Happy life from A to Z so you know what’s the best way to design the life of your dream.


    Every Entrepreneur, Solopreneur who completes PG Results Coach training has not only achieved outstanding results in his or her own life, but has an unrivaled commitment to their profession and experiencing the balance in all areas of life.


    PG conducts various trainings for corporate, schools, universities and solopreneurs. 


    The world is seeking the right mentorship and you can help them by becoming the partner with PG. Promote his teaching, tranings, live sessions and courses to help others and establish this as your business. 

    He is the Producer of

    "The PG Show"

  • He takes the interviews of Celebrities, Authors, Speakers, Coaches , Trainers and Mentors.

  • The PG Show is telecast in 4 channels at a time : Facebook, Youtube, LinkedIn & Twitter.

  • The PG Show is a platform where Knowledge Giver and Knowledge Seeker meets together. He is working on the sharing the skill which are not taught in schools.

  • He is the inventor of

    "The 7 level Meditation" that brings the balance in all the areas of life. 



    Before taking "Monetise Your Gift" course my life was completely unorganized.

    Thanks to this program now I have clarity in my life in all 12 categories I will be super successful and will inspire others. I highly encourage everyone to go on this wonderful journey.

    It helped me unleash my passion and Now I clear how to make money from my passion. I was worried due to unemployment but, I am my own Boss and work according to my wish.

    I'm thankful to my best friend Rakesh Sharma who did this course with me. We were accountability partners. Overall excellent experience before our 35 age I'm sure we'll reach greater heights which we first thought impossible!

    Vinnet  Bajaj

    I would highly recommend PG's "Awaken Your Hanuman" to anyone! 

    I’m so glad I did due to the wide range of helpful topics that it taught me. 

    PG is such a great teacher with his direct and easy way of explaining things in a way that are relatable to your life. 

    My favorite parts of this quest were the “I love you” eye gazing mirror technique- teaching you to give yourself more self-love first, which will then enable you to give more love to others. 

    PG also teaches you how to be happy right now and in the present moment, rather than saving your happiness for a future date or after a certain goal is accomplished.

    Taking on this mindset is so refreshing in a world that all too often emphasizes happiness as outward achievements and things “out there” rather than something already within you and accessible to you.

    Rakhi Agarwal

    "Change your Life in 1 minute" came to me when I was looking for answers and has helped with my Transformation journey take a meteoric speed!

    It tough me some very important tools like aligning my growth to my purpose and identifying means-goals from end-goals. The one minute exercise daily for 30 days just flew by and it feels like a week ago that I signed up for this batch. But, in the last 30 days, I experienced many miracles, ticked of 3 out of the 4 Why's for starting this program and tapped into the unlimited source of knowledge and intuition that I previously did not understand how to even after reading a lot and trying many other mentoring programs. I would say the program has given me enough tools and support to not just grow from Awakening to Transformation and also helping me map my path ahead, but also to be grateful for and be inspired from how far I have come! 

    Ankit Tandon

    Before the 7 level meditation program, I had been off work sick for a year and I was wondering how I was going to move forward, how I was perceived by others and feeling like I had lost some of myself. 

    The program really helped me to see my own value and to see that I have to seek what inspires me and to take the plunge to help the people I know I can help.

    My confidence was at rock bottom but now I am excited about the future and my own abilities to create a better life for my family and others. Joining Mindvalley All Access has made me feel like I have a community around me and had helped me reconcile some of the concerns I had about being in business.

    Vijay Mohta




    Prasanjit Book

    Whats Inside?

    • Simple and Practical Steps to Transform your life with ease.

    • 1 Minute easy tools which can be practiced daily to transform.

    • Short and Crispy book that you can finish at one go.

    Order Now from Amazon
    Prasanjit Book

    Whats Inside?

    • Why Confidence is important for kids?

    • Learn to increase the confidence in kids to built their better future. 

    • Simple and Practical tools for parents to develop the confidence in kids forever.

    Order Now from Amazon

    Prasanjit Gupta © 2021

    All Rights Reserved


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    Call: 7710000266

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    201A, Crystal Plaza, Andheri West

    Mumbai, Maharashtra: 400055
